Burros at Red Rock Canyon, Las Vegas, NV
Earlier this week I posted about Red Rock Canyon in Las Vegas, NV. At this same area there is much wild life that can be seen including these adorable burros above. There are fences to try and prevent them from being on the road but sometimes they manage to find a way out and tourist stop to see ‘Wild Burro’s’.
Usually the burros travel in herds just like horses would do. There is typically a dominant male and several females that he has manage to win over to stay with him. The herd starts out small but then a few young will be added to the family and the herds size will increase. Wild Burro are all over this area and due to the vast amount of space you don’t always see them. They typically are brown, dark brown or tan in color here in the desert.
These two were standing on the side of the road while the rest of the herd was back closer to the fence grazing on the many desert grasses available. The tourist kept stopping and taking photographs of them since they were out on the road. It is against the law to feed them and if caught there is a fine.
Enjoy! Have a blessed day!