Making changes even small ones can be transforming to your life.
Hello, everyone! It’s been some time since I last wrote on my blog. Many of you have asked me if I had removed you from my email list, which I would never do. It was nice of those of you that took the time to contact me to tell me that you missed what I wrote and how it had touched your life. I can’t express how thankful I am to hear that I am able to touch your life in some small way. That made it easy to decide I was missing out on sharing with all of you after hearing such kind words, which inspired me to begin blogging once again.
Even though 2017 was a year full of challenges it also held new friendships, exciting new opportunities, tons of personal growth and education on important areas in my life. Though I am glad that 2017 is now behind me, I am also grateful for the years lessons and growth. It is easy to focus on the bad or challenging items that took place, but it takes strength and courage to change the focus to all the good and grateful experiences instead. Due to last years experiences when I was pondering what my word for 2018 would be it led me to transform.
When I asked a few people what the word made them think of I got back a few various comments, such as, the movie with cars and trucks changing from drivable automobiles to large robots that talk and defend others to simple answers like making a change. My reason for choosing this word is more because of making some changes in my life. There are some goals that I have been working on for some time and without making some changes or adapting to life in a different way it is possible those goals would not be attained for several more years. I’ve decided to transform some areas of my life so that the goals I feel led to pursue can become a reality this year instead of years down the road.
Transform – (verb – used with object)
1. To change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose.
2. To change in condition, nature, or character; convert.
3. To change into another substance; transmute.
4. Make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of.
1. The product of a transformation.
Some of the most common things people wish to transform and even make resolutions about are body change, such as, losing weight or becoming healthier, financial change, such as getting out of debt or earning more money in the year. When you analyze the steps to transform your body or your finances it comes down to daily steps that make an overall change. Let’s use your body as an example. It’s changing your eating habits, adding in exercise, getting more sleep or even drinking more water as the most common changes. You may start with drinking more water throughout the day and going to bed one hour earlier. Those are small changes and decisions that will have an impact on your overall success of losing weight or becoming healthier. It’s the daily small steps that you choose to take that will over the long term make that transformation happen for you. Going on some fad diet for a week and losing water weight that will only come back the following week isn’t a good choice for your long term transformation.

I chose transform for my 2018 word because I want to begin making some small changes daily in my life that will have a long-term impact on my life in a positive way. It’s reminding myself that my choices each day are what will determine how successful or unsuccessful I will be at the end of 2018 with my goals. Being consistent with my choices and focusing on what will really get me to reach that goal is what will end up mattering.
You may have experienced a lot of resistance or obstacles in the last months or years and feel like you can’t make any headway towards your goals. I say give a few small steps a chance this year. Decide on what your goals are that mean the most to you. Don’t come up with a list of a dozen or more, just focus on three. There might be one major goal that is really going to challenge you to get out of your comfort zone to make it happen this year but then there will be two other goals that aren’t as large but yet just as important to you. Only you can decide what those goals might be for you. Once you have decided on what they will be then take a few moments and figure out what small steps you have to take each day to get you there. If it’s losing weight then you might have to add in vegetables or a salad to a meal every day. It could be going for a walk for thirty minutes three to five days a week. It might be going to bed one hour earlier than you have been so your body gets enough rest. Whatever that small change might be add it to your daily life to get you ultimately to the goal at the end.
It is my prayer for you that you will be able to make a transformation this year in some way to improve your life – one small step at a time.