Spooky Desk Lamp and Evernote App for Smart Phones
When you move into a new place there are sometimes things that happen you can’t control, such as a spooky light that we turn off and it would come back on even as we were sitting there watching it. Then of course there has to be a practical reason for such an event and so the search begins.
Like most things in life there can be practical reasons for things happening, but sometimes things happen with no explanation at all. In the case of my desk lamp it was from a wireless Internet plug that had been put into the wall at one end of my office and it caused my lamp to go on at the other end. Whew, no ghosts in the new place to contend with at this point.
Now that we are in the new place we can get back into a regular routine. I noticed over the course of this move that having no routine, a list of things you regularly do that don’t fit in to this chaotic time can be stressful. Thoughts like did I pay this or that bill, did I bill my client, should I toss this or keep it, man my poor car needs a bath so bad, did I lock the door to the old place? All of these things creep into your thoughts when you can’t even find a pen to write something down.
I find I do better with a schedule or routine in my daily life. I know that I need to sit and write for 4 hours on Mondays. I know that I need to go over my finances every Thursday. I know I go buy my groceries every Sunday. I know I do laundry every Wednesday. These types of routines make life flow smoothly but when you are in the midst of change and moving those routines get ignored for the short time and you feel off and stressed because you know you should be doing something else instead.
My suggestion is to hang in there, put as much of the things you remember or have thoughts about in your Evernote App on your smart phone and check it regularly so you don’t think you are dropping the ball when you are making changes in your life. It will help you not be as stressed about your day-to-day items while dealing with the major change in your life that can be trying in and of itself.
Stress is not good for one’s health or life in general. You don’t wish to take it out on your family either while going through it. Manage it as best you can by using tools like Evernote or things to do list you can check daily, add to and take off as you get things done. I know it has helped me in these recent weeks of moving and my stress levels were low because of it.
Please leave a comment on how you handle stress during a chaotic time in life and share this with someone else if you think it could help them. Have a blessed day!