The months passing by this year rather quickly.
Can you believe it, it’s already been six months in 2015. Time sure is passing by quickly and seems to do so even more as you get older. This is a good time of year to look at the previous six months and analyze if you have made progress towards your goals and dreams. If not, why? What can you do differently so the next six months will move your forward with them?
Do you need to work on scheduling your time better? Do you need to say ‘no’ to people that want all your free time for other things? Do you need to learn something before you can move forward? Do you need to purchase something first? Do you need help with motivation or encouragement? Do you need to make smaller changes to reach your dreams?
Every one of those questions can be changed or dealt with so that you will move towards your goals and dreams instead of staying the same or going backwards. Making changes in your life so that you can move forward can be small changes. Some small changes could be setting up a family night or date night on your calendar each week so your family doesn’t think you are working all the time and ignoring them.
We all want to help others but sometimes we have to say ‘no’ in order to not put our own dreams and passions on the back burner. Volunteering for every little thing at church may not be the best solution for you. Taking on projects for your family may need to be spaced out and scheduled differently. Just remember you are the one in charge of your time.
Some things take more time than you want them too in order to be done right. Writing a book for example might only take you a month to write but then you have to edit the book and do some rewrites in order to polish it up so that it’s a great read. Artwork can take time as you plan out the piece you wish to do, do the sketch of the idea, work out the details, color palette you wish to use, then doing the work of the painting itself.
Evaluate your goals and see what you need to change in order to move them forward in the next six months of this year. Don’t get discouraged as you move forward. It’s like losing weight, when we start we have such a large goal and then we break that goal down into smaller sections in order to meet the goal. Even if you had a setback with losing weight you don’t just stop because you didn’t reach your goal, you adjust and keep going. Losing 20 pounds in a year is better than nothing if you were trying to lose 50 pounds. Now you only have to lose 30 and you can break that down into smaller amounts so that it doesn’t seem so overwhelming.
Stay motivated, schedule your goals, focus on the small steps and the next six months will fly by and you will have accomplished more than you think. Have a blessed week.
Be sure to share this post or comment below on ways you stay on track to meeting your goals.