Cake Mix Recipe
In order to have balance in your life you have to maintain certain habits and with those habits comes a Recipe for Life. Whether or not they are good or bad depends on your habits of course and the balance you create. Is your life feeling a bit out of balance lately?
Similar to a recipe, life has to have key ingredients to keep it strong, running smoothly and productive, otherwise we are out of balance and we might be something you have prepared that you would rather not eat again. Some of the things in life that you must put on your recipe card are as follows:
- Eating a balanced diet so that your body can work at optimum levels when you are trying to create or maintain your daily income producing activities.
- Getting plenty of rest because when we sleep is when our bodies repair any problems we might be developing such as a cold and that much needed time to sleep also allows you to dream and work things out subconsciously for a better tomorrow.
- Drinking plenty of fluids such as water in a given day keeps your body hydrated so that your skin, organs and other parts of your body can run smoothly doing their jobs to keep you healthy.
- Communicating with those in your life whether at work or home in a manner that is giving, reassuring and praising of others. Not focusing on yourself and focusing on the others in your life by giving them time to speak, time to cry, time to heal and time to love all help them be better people, which help you become someone they trust and honor each day.
- Daily exercise helps you maintain a healthy body, keep metabolism working, strengthens your muscles, increase stamina and overall helps you to function better throughout each day no matter what is on your schedule.
- Feel your spiritual side with God’s word, inspirational books, positive speakers or messages and truth. Knowing that you are loved, knowing that if you think positively and surround yourself with those that tell you the truth about things going on in your life will make you stronger, create a better you and fuel your soul to do your responsibilities as well as your passions.
- Loving and honest friendships are important as they tend to build you up, encourage you, inspire you, keep you accountable and tell you when you need to make a change or hear something important in your life.
- Getting alone time in nature or even your backyard so that you can be quiet and listen. Doing this will help you clear your mind and start hearing the things that should be most important to you. It’s a time that allows you to dream, work out what choices you need to make and unwind from the hustle and bustle of life.
- Giving and showing love are also important to help you remain balanced in your life. Giving to others whether it’s moving some boxes, driving someone to a doctors appointment or giving money all help fuel your soul with affirmations of doing good for others. Showing love to someone else and that you care not only builds them up but also helps you as you watch what a difference you just made in someone else’s life.
- Scheduling your time in a way that honors your family and relationships, your values and responsibilities, and your own needs will allow you to feel productive and able to relax and enjoy your life at the same time.
- Focus is a major aspect to your balanced life. When you are at your job you need to be focused and giving 100% of yourself to it. When you are with your family you should be focused on them, what needs they may have and how you can help them, not thinking about the job you left a few hours ago.
With most recipes it’s the time you take to plan and the time you take to prepare that allows for the most delicious end results. Take the time today to see if you are in balance. If you are feeling stressed, worry or frustrated then perhaps something is out of balance and that is your sign that you need to take a look and see how you can change things before your cake ends up flat in the oven.
Please share this with anyone that you feel this could help or leave a comment below. Look forward to hearing from you.
Have a blessed day!