Red Desert Flower Hiding in the Trees
There is beauty in many things in this world. Sometimes though you have to look more closely to see it and most of us when it comes to nature will walk right past it without even a glance. On a recent trip to Springs Preserve in Las Vegas with family and friends there was plenty of beautiful desert blooming flowers all around on the pathways and then there were some not on the pathways that you had to look a little deeper to see. That’s what this image is for me. A look at beauty not so easily found as this magnificent red desert flower peeks through the greenery of the trees.
As I go through life not only do I see many amazing and beautiful flowers, landscapes, seascapes, forest and wildlife, but I also notice the beauty in people. Making someone smile sometimes is all it takes to make the eyes sparkle, there own smile to grow into a more lively and vividly expressive face, but it also brings out the heart within the person. Take the time to say hello or just smile at someone and see how a sad or depressed expression can turn into a face of thankfulness that you even noticed to look or speak to him or her.
Life is full of challenges for all of us and some days we just don’t feel appreciated, accepted, wanted or loved. This one act will do more good for a person than you even realize. There have been countless stories told of people that thought no one noticed them or cared and they were only moments from eliminating themselves from this world. Learn to look outward at those around you and not so much as your phone and own problems. I know for myself when I focus on others it helps me to feel better because I took the time to give hope, share, be kind or even smile and that in itself helps me when I am feeling low.
Give it a try sometime and see how many people you can make smile. Spreading love to others should never be a chore but a pleasurable experience for all.
If this blog post was inspiring to you or could be to someone else you know, please forward it, or leave a comment below at how you try to show you care to others that are strangers to you. Have a blessed day!