Head in the Clouds

By Lisa | Blogs

May 20
Head in the Clouds

Head in the Clouds

Do you remember as a child laying in the grass and staring up at the clouds, watching them move and trying to make shapes out of them? I did that a lot as a kid because I knew there was something magical about those fluffy white cotton balls in the sky. As you get older though you will hear the turn ‘get your head out of the clouds and pay attention’ by teachers, relatives, parents, friends when they are talking to you about something they feel is important.

When you were looking up at the clouds, everything was possible to you. There wasn’t anything you couldn’t do. Your dreams would be huge and it didn’t matter if there were things that realistically or logically got in the way of making them come true. Those moments of just dreaming, creating, making anything happen we should do as adults too.

As an adult I know that real life issues got in the way of those lofty dreams I had laying in the grass and looking up at those clouds. Now at this point in my life I’m asking myself why didn’t I still go after them? Once you get past all the junk that you have been through from manipulative, negative parents and family to jealous friends that attempt sabotage every time you started to become successful at your dreams it begins to seem possible again.

It’s time to journal out those negative feelings, the guilt pounded down on you, the thoughts of you don’t deserve it, you aren’t worthy enough, your not smart enough, the calculated manipulations others played on you or whatever else that is rolling around in your head causing you to not pursue the things you really want in your life.

I know in my own life I had to write letters to those that really pushed me down spilling out all that has hurt me and caused me to feel negatively toward them for doing such things and then I took those letters and burned them. I released myself from feeling the way that I had been so that I could move forward with what I wanted to become. I had to forgive them for how they treated me not for their benefit but for my heart and mine so I could move past these events and begin to soar with the clouds once more.

It’s okay to have your head in the clouds and to believe in anything you dream up. It’s possible and it only takes the willingness to step forward and start doing the things needed to make that dream come alive and be possible. I hope you will take the time to let your mind float into the clouds and open up to the possibilities that are before you. You just have to reach for them. Why reach for the eagle in the sky when you can reach for the stars themselves? Dream big, believe, start doing and you will see anything is within your grasp.

If you feel this blog post has helped you in some way or would encourage someone else please share it. Feel free to leave a comment below if you are inspired to reach for a big dream and let me know what it is.

Have a blessed day!

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