Albert Finney Scrooge The Musical
A scene from the movie with Scrooge as Father Christmas.
During the holidays I like to watch a few of the Christmas movies each year to help me feel a bit more festive during this time. But no matter what I always watch a version of Scrooge. My favorite version is Scrooge (the musical) starring Albert Finney that was released in 1970.
No matter who you are you can relate to the initial Scrooge that is hard working, focused on responsibilities and ignores the more fun and joyous things he could experience over the course of his life. We all get caught up in the day-to-day rut of making a living and dealing with our responsibilities. We have budgets, jobs with overtime and deadlines, children to juggle, family events, a spouse and then on top of it all we throw in Thanksgiving and Christmas.
This race we all run needs some balance. In Scrooge thanks to the Spirits that worked through the night to show Scrooge the error of his ways they manage to find the kid in him. The one that does want to have fun, find love, be nice, and even enjoy Christmas with his family. He wants to be a good guy but seems to far gone to feel the need to change in his later years.
Well, he does change and he does good things for those in his life. We can do the same, by scheduling time for our family, time for our spouse, time for family events, around our jobs and passions in life. If it’s a priority to you, then you will make it happen.
Think about how in 2015 you can have a weekly date night to get close with your spouse or significant other, have a weekly family night to spend with just your kids or relatives. You need also a time for yourself, a time to dream, a time to relax, a time to fill your soul with the passion you have for that dream or goal. No more settling for in this coming year, be more than you ever thought possible by taking one step at a time, one day at a time towards something greater.
Stretch yourself and set some goals that you have been afraid to try and try them anyway. Conquer the fear in your life. I know I have overcome several in 2014 and I have many more to slay in 2015. Join me this 2015 to find your passion and conquer your fears to make them a reality. I know you can. I believe in you.
Have a wonderful and blessed day!