Cherish Those You Love

By Lisa | Blogs

Jul 01

Two hearts on the branch of a tree, retro look

Time passes quickly and is short so cherish those you love. Make memories with your friends and family. Don’t say one of these days I’ll visit or do – whatever that may be. Find a way now to spend some quality time just loving your family and friends.

Dealing with loss is an emotional struggle that does not go away but does improve over time. I lost my mother five years ago and though I know in my heart that she is no longer in constant pain or struggling with life’s challenges, health wise or financial, it is difficult some days to not miss her like crazy. Certain holidays can be rather difficult to get through without shedding a tear for her since I miss her so very much.

No matter how much you prepare you still aren’t ready when the time comes to lose someone that has been sick for a long time. Currently in my life there are several individuals that I love that are having some health issues. The age range is from young adult to a senior adult. I don’t wish to lose these people that I love but I can’t do anything about it either.

Make the most out of your time with your loved ones. Create memories that you can look back on and that give you a smile or a sense of true unconditional love. Drop the small stuff that is causing conflict. Even big stuff when put in the right context isn’t all that important over time. What is important is letting others in your life know that you love them, are proud of them and want all their dreams to come true.

Never go to bed angry with someone if you can prevent it. Everyone wants to be loved, missed and to be important to someone else. What can you do today to make someone in your life feel loved and important? Can you make a phone call? Can you send and email? Could you send a text? Mail a letter or greeting card? How about go for a visit? These things only take a moment in the grand scheme of life.

Be sure to tell those important to you how you feel, how much they mean to you and how blessed you are to have them in your life. Time is precious and every moment counts.

Make some memories to cherish and have a blessed week!

Share with someone else or comment below if you have a special memory of someone you love and cherish.

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