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Great post, and it’s true that new things are sometimes scary but can also be amazing.
ReplyChange – Positive & Negative
As we live our lives sometimes we get into a rut and then something major happens and you begin making changes for the better, but at the time they are happening you are wondering is this the right choice for my life. We really have no way of knowing for sure except by how we feel we are being led to go, or as some say your gut instinct kicks in. A major change is happening in my life as we are moving from a home we have lived in for 17 years to some place new this week.
At first, moving was not something I looked forward to doing because there is all that packing, sorting, tossing, hook ups and turn offs, moving mail, updating accounts with a new address, changing business information and more. Now, I’m just excited for the change, the new place, the new area, the new flow or routine, new neighbors and friends and the possibilities that will develop.
I admit I was someone that after moving sometimes every six months as a child I just didn’t want to move very often as an adult. I wanted to plant myself some place and build memories, but honestly the memories go with you. As you clean out the closets, cabinets, drawers you locate things that make you laugh and things that can make you cry that were past memories. Glancing over those items I realized they are the things that made me who I am today.
You could say I didn’t want to move because I was afraid of change. We all are afraid of things, some very real and strong like spiders or snakes, and then there are other things that are unknown. It’s the unknown for me that I don’t like. I like to be informed, make decisions based on facts and then make a choice. When you are dealing with things you can’t control or don’t know much about it has a fear for some of us that is rather strong.
I hope you don’t let fear get in your way of making decisions that are changes for the better in your life. I know this step of moving for my family is a big one. Some other major changes can be jobs, relocating to a different city or state, having children, dealing with parents that need care, planning for a future or even buying a home. All of these things are considered highly stressful and major changes in people’s lives.
As you think about choices in your life, changes for the better, think about whether or not your hesitation is fear and get excited about the possibilities once you move forward.
If you feel this post would be inspiring to a friend or relative please forward it to them and if you have a way of dealing with changes for the better in a more positive light please leave a comment below. Have a blessed day!
Great post, and it’s true that new things are sometimes scary but can also be amazing.