Birthdays and Time

By Lisa | Blogs

Jun 10
My birthday Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory - Yum!

My birthday Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory – Yum!

I recently had my Birthday and spent it with my family where we had an amazing time together. I was blessed that my family went to the movies with me, we ate at an awesome restaurant that had some fabulous desserts and I received wonderful gifts and cards that expressed their love for me. It was a great day and even though I’m getting older I realized that the age doesn’t matter, it was being able to spend that day with people that love me and I love just creating some memories from our time.

When we are young we not only tell everyone our age but we even do it with ‘and a half’ added because we can’t wait to get to the next age. As we get a bit older it’s those milestone birthdays that we look forward to like 16, 18 and even 21. These are all great dates that we will remember the rest of our lives.

Then we hit the age of 30 and we say, whoa, wait a minute here, where did all these years go. I can’t possibly be 30 already. Before you know it you are saying that again at 40, perhaps even 50 and 60. I don’t know about you but even though I’m in my late 40’s now, I still feel like I’m in my 20’s. Life hasn’t gone by as fast as the numbers are telling me because I don’t feel that age yet.

It’s taken time to learn things and truly become ‘mature’ or ‘responsible’ other than the basics. We start families and add people to our lives that mean a great deal to us, yet it just all goes by so quickly. Before you know it your first-born child is 25 and facing all these things too. This cycle of life is amazing in how it works, but it also shows us that time is the same for us all and we need to make memories, work for our true dreams and passions and live life to the fullest each day.

My birthday made me realize how blessed I am, that I have a daughter that is an adult now, that I’ve been married to a wonderful man for over 30 years and that I have some amazing friends. Learn to live your life where you take advantage of every special moment. That first step or word, day of school, kiss, award, dance, birthdays, anniversaries, picnics, vacations, holidays, graduations, success, failure, weight loss, dream come true and more.

These moments are your life memories that bring you joy, comfort and love. Learn now that those breaths of time are what make you who you are and what give your life true meaning.

Leave a comment on how you are learning to capture these breaths of time and keep them close to your heart and share this so that others will do the same. Have a blessed week!

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