Be Still and Listen

By Lisa | Blogs

May 06
A Sunning Lizard

A Sunning Lizard

Do you know how an animal tells if there is danger around them? They become still and they listen. This beautiful lizard was enjoying the sun when I saw him and with my presence became very still and just waited to see if I was a danger to him before he made a choice to move or not.

We can learn a lesson from one of God’s creatures that is as small as a lizard. When you are feeling worried, not sure if there is danger around you, uncertain of a challenge, other people, an opportunity the best course of action is to be still and listen. You can learn much if you just focus on remaining quiet, keeping an open mind and just take the time to listen to what message God is trying to give you.

The sound of the wind can bring a message, the singing of a bird, the buzz of a bee and even sitting quietly alone while your family is sleeping and just listening to what God is trying to tell you. Working late or getting up early before the hum of your household begins is a great opportunity to just listen. Sitting down to journal and just letting the thoughts come to you naturally and writing them down can be a comfort, can help you work something out you have been thinking of but you have been avoiding a real commitment of time to think it through.

Take time to listen and be still for amazing things can come to you in those moments. That great idea that will allow you to start your own business, that concept for a book you have been toiling over or helping someone that you haven’t seen in a while. It does not matter how small or large, how elaborate or simple, it only matters that you listen and then take action once you know what God has been trying to get you to focus on.

These moments can help relieve stress, help clarify an issue in your life, help solve a problem at work, give you the guidance you needed and most importantly help you listen to God. Give it a try and see what being still and listening does for you.

If you like to be still and listen in a certain way then please leave a comment below and share this with anyone else you feel would enjoy this blog post. Have a blessed day!

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