My husband and I decided to go to breakfast one morning recently, so we could discuss some business related items that I needed some assistance to manage, and get some feedback from him on how he thought I should proceed. We sat down as usual and spoke to our server ordering drinks and our breakfast and even caught up with them on how they were doing as we usually do. We begin discussing various topics as planned waiting on our food to arrive.
Across from us was an older gentleman enjoying his breakfast and his cowboy hat was in the chair next to him. We saw him get up with his ticket to go pay and I noticed he had left his hat in the chair. We watched him as he made his way in line to pay while we were still discussing things. Just before he had made it to the register our server had come by our table to refill our drinks when we mentioned to him that the gentleman was about to leave his hat. Our server goes over to that table and begins to touch the hat then pulls his hand away like it was on fire then quickly returns to the beverage station without saying a word to the older man.
We found that odd of course but then noticed the man had paid and was leaving the restaurant. My husband gets up and goes out after him to let him know that he had left his hat behind. The man was truly thankful for him being told and shook my husbands hand several times telling him that his hat meant a lot and was irreplaceable. They both entered the restaurant and the man immediately goes to the table and picks up his hat letting out a relieved sigh then waves to us. He was obviously grateful that someone took the time to remind him of this hat because it appeared quite special to him. To anyone else it would just appear as a hat.
Our minds returned to our discussion and then our food as it arrived. We are in the middle of eating and talking when our server returns to tell us he had some great news for us. The man with the cowboy hat had paid our bill. We thanked our server for the information and looked at each other in amazement. At the same time we both said that was a blessing. It truly was an unexpected gift for doing a simple act of kindness.

I have to say that the rest of my day felt special all because of that one act of kindness that we did that touched someone else and kept him from having a bad day over a lost hat. Do you go out of your way to be kind to others? Do you notice small details like a hat sitting in the chair and go out of your way to tell someone before they leave it behind? Do you open a door for someone else approaching and say hello? Do you smile and say hello to those passing you when you are out and about doing errands, at restaurants, getting mail, shopping or at work?
Being kind to someone else can be just a smile and a hello. You don’t have to do huge things to show someone else that they matter. We seem to be in a society now that rather than speak up, it’s their loss and our gain. Being selfish doesn’t show kindness to others and in the long run doesn’t help you feel better either.
Our world needs a little kindness today and every day. Be the person that shows it to others in all you do. You just might get a blessing out of it that you didn’t expect.
Have a blessed week!