Take off your blinders and get a Second Opinion!
They tell you when you get diagnosed with a serious illness to go have a second opinion to confirm the diagnosis or treatment for that illness. I have found the same is true when you are struggling with life, goals, dreams, the future, the past, the present and anything else that you are stressed about with your life. That second opinion is usually a close friend, a relative or even a counselor or pastor. These opinions can also come from mentors or someone you consider a confidant.
We all make BIG decisions in our lives, what career, what home, the size of our family, health issues, and helping our parents that are elderly. Then there are the deeper passions in our lives; what is my purpose, how do I reach my goals, why does it feel like all I do is struggle without success? We all feel these questions at various times in our lives. Even with a plan sometimes things change so drastically that you aren’t sure of your real dreams any longer.
Recently, a mentorship program I am part of asked a question that I found very profound and life changing, here it is; what would you do if you won the lottery and all your financial matters were taken care of? Would you travel? Would you take photographs? Would you paint? Would you become a chef? Would you write? Would you film movies? What is the one thing you wish to do in your life if money wasn’t an issue?
For me that is writing and taking photographs. These are deep passions that I have put on the back burner telling myself I would get to it eventually when things slow down. I’d like to ask you, when does life slow down? It’s not happened for me, so I was beginning to feel that these deeper passions weren’t meant for me to accomplish. This is when that second opinion came in handy for me. It was a way to give yourself permission to be yourself and do what you really want to do.
At times I am also the close friend that gets to listen to someone else’s dreams, problems, excuses, or whatever it is at that time. I get to give advice based on what they are telling me through fresh eyes, a different viewpoint. It’s enough to allow the other person to think and refresh there own thinking and drives for their life. Don’t hesitate to ask someone for there opinion. Sometimes you are living life with blinders on. You only see what is immediately in front of you and thinking outside of the box doesn’t happen for you.
You need to take your current schedule and find a small amount of time here and there to start working towards those passions you have. You might need to give up TV shows, meeting with friends each week to just hang out, or you get convinced to do some project or participate in some event that really isn’t something you want to do because your dreams are real and worth fighting for, just for you.
We go in early and stay late for our jobs to earn the money we need to live, why not wake up early or stay up late for just an hour a couple times a week so you can work on your own dreams? When are you going to tell others ‘No’ and start saying ‘Yes’ to yourself?
Start thinking about what you truly want. What would you do if money no longer worried you? Sit down and look at your weekly schedule, how can you put in some time for your own true passions? All it takes is one step forward each day. That step can be as little as 30 minutes a day it’s still moving forward. Give it a try and see where you are in six months.
Leave a comment if you have found your passions and have begun to spend time towards them even if they are baby steps. Share this with someone else that you think is struggling with the same issues. Have a blessed day!