A Black Crow

By Lisa | Blogs

Jan 06


A beautiful black crow was basking in the sun with his coat shimmering from the reflections around him in the morning light. There were gusts of cold wind blowing and causing his feathers to move about so every few minutes he would shift his position, especially when it was blowing against his tail feathers and pushing them up over his back. He was standing on the gravel covered ground before moving to a dirt embankment that sloped into a stream of water that was currently running as it was the irrigation for the nearby park. The place he chose was in the shade, high enough up to view what was around him and after doing just that he nestled down in this new cool spot to take a nap.


This crow had a buddy up in the nearby pine tree that was swaying on the branch due to the wind. After talking and making some noise this crow began pulling on branches that had small pine cones on the ends and would lift them up and grab the pine cone. The crow wasn’t eating the pine cone but playing with it and tossing it about to deal with his boredom at that moment.


These two were quite interesting to watch as they were only a few feet from my sliding glass door to my dining room while I was having breakfast on this particular morning. The crow in the tree moved from branch to branch and calling out until his boredom got the better of him and he flew off. The one nestled down in the cool dirt was indeed taking a nap.


When something startled him from his nap he got up and hobbled from talon to talon in a nice swaying motion of it’s walk until it found an area of bushes that it could go into and sit to take that nap he so badly needed. Maybe he was healing an injury, maybe he just was tired since his feather friends kept him out late the night before. This particular morning adventure made me realize we all have moments we need rest and play. Not just the usual ritual of sleep each evening that we succumb to but also the occasional nap we all need in the middle of the day.




Rest is so important to the body and getting enough of it seems to be the biggest challenge a lot of us have with our busy lives. Grant it a crows life isn’t hectic, there are no real demands on them in a given day other than hunting for food, finding water and getting rest. We obviously work jobs to pay for things like food and water. Even with busy schedules and fast paced lives we need to make time to rest. On those days off are you packing so much into them that you don’t get the rest you need? After hectic holiday traditions, family, events, decorations, feasts and travel some additional rest might be needed too. Try taking a nap on your day off and just see if those moments of shut eye help you feel recharged even more than you usual feel after a nights sleep.


As the other crow was using his time to play, don’t forget to have some enjoyment in your life. We all need to have fun and feel that this life we live has meaning and purpose. Take a few moments to play. Do you love board or card games? Do you like to explore or go on hikes? You could find a place to relax and read a good book? What about taking a drive to a place you have never been that’s close enough for a day trip? There are many ways you can play, you just have to find what you enjoy most as it will help you recharge and relax while doing it.


Life is meant to be fun and memorable. Get the rest you need and go have some fun to recharge your batteries.


Share this with anyone that needs a reminder that it’s okay to get rest and have some fun in life. Look forward to your comments below on how you recharge and play.


Have a blessed day!




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